Who we are

The Global Institute for Ecclesial Management, a non-profit organization,  takes inspiration from the best practices established and proven in the secular business world and uses them to assist Clergy and key figures in Parishes, Dioceses, and Religious Orders as they strive to manage day-to-day administrative responsibilities and respond to particular challenges and difficulties.


Recognizing that Religious Communities, serving the Church in a variety of capacities, face financial and organizational situations different than those of most Diocese and parishes,  GIEM provides workshops and courses tailored specifically to the needs of Religious.  

Who we serve


The Global Insititute for Ecclesial Management is a resource to guide Bishops, Pastors and their financial councils through a planning and budgeting cycle with an eye to good consultation. Clergy will learn how to make pastoral planning, budgeting and financial transparency a regular part of parish life.

Why we serve

Clergy and other key figures in parishes, dioceses, and religious orders essentially act like CEOs of their own small companies, yet without the training and formation to do so. For example, for priests, practical business skills like accounting, finance, human resources, and communication strategies, are not taught in seminary. When sent off to lead a parish, many priests often yearn for the knowledge of these practical business skills. The Global Institute for Ecclesial Management gives clergy access to these valuable and practical business skills.

The Institute recognizes the “managerial” role of the priest as implicit in his vocational responsibilities and seeks to introduce new approaches and methodologies, new managerial and organizational techniques, for identifying, solving and even preventing crises. It also reflects on the place of the priest’s managerial responsibility within his call to live as shepherd and servant.

How we serve


Providing on-site workshops with instruction in various aspects of fundraising, the transparent management of financial resources, the organization and management of employees, crisis management and effective communication strategies, with the dual aims of promoting faithful stewardship and fostering growth through evangelization.


 Utilizing the best available technological resources, we provide online instruction and support to Clergy and Religious while they are active in the mission field.  They are able to receive instruction while serving in their parishes and apostolates.  This allows them to not only immediately apply what they are leaning but also to bring real life challenges and concerns to the professors and professionals who can guide them through best practices.  

The combination of classroom and long-distance learning makes this program accessible to a great number of clergy laboring in the important but unsung ministry of Ecclesial Management.

Mario Enzler Founder

The desire and calling to help clergy has always been in Mario Enzler’s heart. Since his time serving Pope Saint John Paul II as a Swiss Guard followed by a successful career in international banking, to establishing a Classical Educational school in New Hampshire, teaching at the Catholic University of America and conducting workshops for Clergy and Religious Sisters all over the world, Mario Enzler continually aims at living out his vocation and positively impacting the lives of those he encounters.

He began to notice the need and demand for clergy to learn practical business and managerial skills. Thus, the creation of the Global Institute for Ecclesial Management (GIEM) came to be. This effort connects existing resources in the secular world to those in service of the Church, cultivating the talents of its participants in order to utilize their leadership skills given by God.

He is the author of the book, I Served A Saintwhich recounts his experience as a Swiss Guard, commemorating the 100th Birthday of Saint Pope John Paul II.

Because of GIEM’s commitment to Christ and his Church, the administrative and managerial formation students receive will always be faithfully rooted in the Catholic Church’s social teaching and defined by her missionary character. [Mario Enzler]

What Clergy and Religious are saying

I just wanted to take time to thank you, Professor Enzler. You put a lot into this Program, it showed, and I learned a lot. You stretched me, yet it was worth it. You have positively impacted my life, you can pour new wine into old wineskins. You will always be in my prayers.

Father C.B.

I found the workshop to be substantive, well presented and engaging.  The topics are so valuable in our present climate of accountability, financial concerns, and abuse.  I highly recommend other Sisters to attend.  

Sister Anne

This workshop gave me a lot of needed information in a way that did not overwhelm me (due greatly to the faith-filled presentations) but instead gave me a greater enthusiasm to serve my community in this capacity with confidence in and gratitude to God and with the consolation of knowing that now I have more people to whom I can reach out in time of need.

Sister Margaret

Thanks for addressing this vital need. Business and Management are often neglected in the seminary formation process, yet they are vital to daily life. So much of what we studied is directly connected to the things I did at various parishes over the years and will continue to be helpful to me (and all of us) going forward.

-Father M.G.